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Results of Explore the Internet & Govern It contest for cadet classes

On March 30, the results of the closed Explore the Internet & Govern It Russian online tournament was held for students in cadet classes (grades 7-11) were reviewed. It was organized by the Patriot.Sport Moscow Center.

The tournament consisted of 24 tasks of varying difficulty. The theme of the tournament was "Digital Technologies of the Future" (Virtual and Augmented Reality such as VR and AR, telemedicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies and blockchain, the industrial internet of things, and security).

The 2022/23 Spartakiad for Cadets is an annual event that regularly changes its format and includes several independent disciplines and consists of two stages.

​The first stage of the Spartakiad for Cadets is a tournament for educators in cadet classes; History of the Fatherland: Military Aspects hackathon for cadets; the Fizkult.Kadet! tournament; the Tournament of Victory; the World-Crypto quiz, and the results of the GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) standards. Also, the results of the 11th Russian Online Championship in 2022 and the Digital Technologies of the Future online tournament of the Explore the Internet & Govern It project were considered.

The 10 best teams in the 7th, 8th, and 10th cadet grades (30 teams in total), which showed the best results in their grade level in all areas following the first stage, will take part in the final relay race at the Patriot Educational Center. The relay race includes participation in five disciplines: shooting with pneumatic weapons; throwing grenades for accuracy, equipping the AK 74 magazine with cartridges, partial disassembly (assembly) of the AK 74 assault rifle, first aid, carrying the wounded.

The website of the Explore the Internet & Govern It can be used not only to participate in online tournaments, but also to improve one’s digital literacy and learn useful facts about the internet and new technologies using games in the Knowledge section, tests in mobile applications, and blitz questions in a quiz format, or brush up terms using the internet dictionary.

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