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Universal Acceptance Day to be Held in Armenia

This year, ICANN and the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) will host a global Universal Acceptance Day for the first time.

On March 28, 40 countries around the world will host events dedicated to this day - conferences, workshops to raise awareness of Universal Acceptance and technical training organized by UASG and partner organizations. In total, more than 50 events are planned to be held within the framework of UA Day.

On this day Yerevan will host a regional conference “Universal Acceptance Day”, organized by members of the Regional Coordinating Group for Universal Acceptance of the CIS and Eastern Europe countries with the support of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. Center’s experts will talk about the importance of Universal Acceptance, the features of its promotion and the technical aspects of implementation. Remote participants will be provided with a live stream.

The conference program includes a plenary session where representatives of international Internet organizations will discuss the issues of increasing inclusiveness and multilingualism in the global Internet, a marketing section on the promotion of IDNs, a technical section on the features of implementing Universal Acceptance and successful examples in this area, as well as training UASG by EAI.

“The first-ever Universal Acceptance Day will occur this year. The support and development of domain names and e-mail addresses in national languages will be discussed in 40 countries of the world. I would like to hope that such a global request will finally be heard by manufacturers of modern software,” said Maria Kolesnikova, Chief Analyst of the Coordination Center and Chairman of the Regional Coordination Group for Universal Acceptance of the CIS and Eastern Europe.

To participate in the conference, pre-registration is required. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, the working languages of the conference are English, Armenian and Russian. Participation is free.

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