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ccNSO Celebrates its 20th Anniversary

Twenty years ago, the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) was established as a recognized platform for communication, experience and knowledge sharing among ccTLDs registries. Representatives of country code domains from around the world participate in the work of the organization, and from 2022 registries of country code internationalized domains (IDN ccTLDs) can become members of the ccNSO.

The 20th anniversary of the organization was dedicated to the anniversary session of the ccNSO at ICANN76, which took place on 14 March. This session brought together deputy and current ccNSO leaders and council members to reminisce about major milestones in the history of the ccNSO. n a film made specifically for the session, the deputy leaders of the organization from prior years described how the ccNSO's work began, the difficulties it overcame in the past 20 years, and the duties it completed. The session served as the start for the anniversary celebrations that would last the entire year.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has a long-standing partnership and friendship with the ccNSO. Today, Irina Danelia, Deputy Director of the Coordination Center, is on the Council of the organization; last year she was elected Deputy Chairman of the Strategic and Operational Planning Committee.

“The importance of the ccNSO for the development of the Internet and ccTLDs cannot be overestimated – today, this oldest platform for the dialogue of national registries resolves the most complex and global issues related to ccTLDs. Heads and employees of all ccNSO registries can participate in ccNSO working groups and committees, and this makes it possible not only to find consensus on global issues, but also to exchange experience and knowledge, share best practices, find like-minded people and partners. Congratulations on the anniversary of the ccNSO and I want to express my confidence that we will continue to move forward together, relying on the experience and support of colleagues from different registries,” said Irina Danelia.

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