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Domestic Solutions For The Security Of The Runet

On March 15-16, the Russian Association for Networks and Services (RANS) is holding the XXI annual conference "Ensuring Trust and Security in the Use of ICT". The conference is attended by leaders and experts of the communications industry, representatives of organizations working in the field of information security. Participants to discuss a strategy for improving the regulatory and legal framework, receive first-hand information about ongoing and planned projects in this area.

On March 15, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ held a round table “Ensuring Accessibility, Trust And Security In The Russian Segment Of The Internet”. The discussion was moderated by Maria Kolesnikova, Chief Analyst of the Coordination Center, Anton Baskov (Open Network), Alexey Kovalev (NovaCard), Vyacheslav Malinochkin (CCS) and Alexei Rogdev (Technical Center of Internet) took part in the round table.

Participants discussed current challenges and solutions to ensure the availability, trust and security of the infrastructure of the Russian segment of the network and domestic solutions aimed at combating these challenges. A detailed review of the situation in the domestic ICT market was made by Anton Baskov. He spoke about the current problems faced by participants in the ICT industry and users of the Russian segment of the Internet during the period of international sanctions.

Alexey Rogdev, General Director of the Technical Center of Internet, presented the data on the current situation with the TLS ecosystem in Russia and emphasized the need to create a distributed TLS ecosystem based on domestic solutions. Vyacheslav Malinochkin spoke about the joint project of the CSC and TCI aimed at creating an authoritative name server for the DNS system based on domestic hardware and software.

Alexey Kovalev introduced the problem that users of eSIM and virtual SIM cards may face in connection with possible sanctions against Russian companies that are members of the GSM Operators Association (GSMA). The speaker suggested creating a Russian certification authority that would issue PKI certificates to participants in the Russian ecosystem. Such an approach will make it possible to form a local ecosystem that does not depend on the sanctions policy of other states.

And Maria Kolesnikova spoke about the work of the Coordination Center for ensuring the security and stable operation of the Russian national domain zone. She noted that there are still unresolved issues to ensure full support of Cyrillic domain names and e-mail addresses by software and online services, and more attention to this issue is required from the state and all industry participants.

“Taking into account the active work of ICT industry participants in the field of software import substitution and the development of domestic analogues of various technological solutions, it is necessary from the very beginning to lay down requirements for the implementation of compliance with the Universal Acceptance criteria of all domains and e-mail addresses available today on the Internet in all domestic software products,” – added Maria Kolesnikova.

At the end of the meeting, the participants discussed the prospects for further development of domestic solutions and scenarios for expanding their use at the national and international levels.

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