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The Competition Of Professional Skills "The Teacher Who Conquered The Internet" Has Started

The All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills among teachers, education specialists and mentors "The Teacher Who Conquered The Internet" named after A. Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov was started at the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Security and Children: Formation of a Culture of Information Security of Participants in Educational Relations" on March 2.

The purpose of the competition is to is to identify and promote best practices and skills for effective interaction in the virtual space and communication in the digital environment among teachers of preschool, general, vocational, higher professional education, specialists in additional education and upbringing of children.

School and gymnasium teachers, educators of preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, technical schools, colleges, lyceums, universities, speech therapists, special education teachers, and other specialists working with children and the youth are invited to participate.

Participants are required to create an audio or video presentation or podcast on a personal Internet resource where they engage with colleagues, parents, and students (for example, communication, educational activities, methodological support). Before October 15, the work must be submitted to the competition using a special form.

Each submission in the competition will be judged by professionals using the following criteria: relevance to the subject, originality of the concept, applicability, completeness and organization of the material supplied, and potential for gaining new employment. By the end of November, the examination will be finished, and on December 15, the winners will be solemnly announced.

See the Competition Rules for further details on the requirements for creative works and the terms of participation.

The organizer was the Academy of Innovative Education and Development with the support of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, the Women's Union of Russia, the Smart Internet Foundation (.ДЕТИ domain) and the Association of Pedagogical Education Workers. The information partner of the competition is the Vneshkolnik magazine.

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