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The Evolution of Media in the Era of Social Platforms and Messengers

After a long break, we resumed our Digital Reality Discussion Club. And already with a new moderator. This is Mikhail Anisimov, ICANN's stakeholder engagement representative for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The new season opened with "The Evolution of Media in the Era of Social Platforms and Messengers". User habits, which are always changing due to the effect of new tools, shape how people consume information. Social platforms and messengers set the formats, the speed of information and the possibilities of feedback. The discussion about how new platforms coexist with traditional media has been going on since the late 2000s and now we can see that various channels for delivering information complement each other harmoniously.

The guests of the meeting were Vladimir Todorov, editor-in-chief of, director of media development at Rambler & Co, Oleg Salmanov, editor of the telegram channel "Undigital Economy," and Ivan Zasursky, president of the Association of Internet Publishers and an independent media expert.

The speakers and participants discussed ways to engage the audience and the dilemma that teasers on social networks are becoming an important way to attract traffic on the one hand, but on the other, after getting acquainted with a news summary in a social network or telegram channel, a reader may no longer want to move on. The meeting also discussed how traditional media have adapted to working in conditions of "bilateral" content consumption and what properties of "new" media have been borrowed by traditional media. There were also questions of purely material nature, for example, participants found out whether support for social media platforms contributes to increased monetization (by placing additional advertising there). 

"The discussion club has become well known among those who are interested in the Internet and the digital world. I have taken part in club meetings many times as a speaker, so it was a special pleasure for me to moderate it. Together with the team of the Coordination Center, we will search for new topics, invite experts and try to make such meetings interesting for as wide an audience as possible," Mikhail Anisimov, moderator of the Discussion Club, summarized the results of the first meeting in 2023.

A video of the meeting will soon be published on the Discussion Club's YouTube channel.

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