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“The Mission Of The Registry Is To Find A Balance Between Security And User-Friendliness”

On February 21, Vientiane, the capital of Laos, opened the 83rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association For Top-Level Domains (APTLD). The conference is attended by 160 domain industry experts from the countries of the region, as well as from Europe and America. The delegation of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ also actively participate in the work of the conference. Center’s experts share their experience and expertise with the colleagues.

The official opening of the conference was preceded by the so-called “zero day”, where interesting workshops and trainings are held for the participants. This year, a very interesting training was conducted by representatives of Gransy, a Czech provider of automated solutions for hosting and domain registries. The topic of the training was an introduction to Anycast DNS. In the first part of the training, the Marketing Director of the Eastern European region of Gransy, Dušan Stojičević, spoke about the principles of building Anycast DNS and its advantages, and in the second, the founder and head of the company, Jan Horak, demonstrated in practice the work of their solution using an example three servers in the Netherlands, USA and Singapore and the advantages of an anycast solution over Unicast.

The experts of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ made presentations on the working program of the conference on February 21. Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev addressed the section devoted to the issues of regulation in the field of cybersecurity. He spoke about the National Domain Name System (NCDN) created in Russia, the main task of which is to ensure the continuity and stability of the Internet.

Andrey Vorobyev noted that the system contains many mechanisms to protect Russian users from various threats and ensure the confidentiality of their network activity. At the same time, the NCSI does not aim to replace the global DNS, although it is able to do this if necessary.

Project Manager of the Coordination Center Olga Baskakova took part in the discussion on the practices of disseminating information about domain zones and spoke on the policy of the Russian registry in providing access to the zone file of the .RU and .РФ domains. She noted that for security purposes in Russian domains, a limited circle of users has access to the zone file - the registry itself, the Internet Technical Center, accredited registrars, partners in scientific and technical cooperation and expert organizations engaged in activities to prevent illegal actions.

“The challenge for every ccTLD registry is to strike a balance between security and user friendliness. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ pays great attention to security issues, so we are very careful about providing data from the zone file and find this approach justified,” Olga Baskakova said.

Tomorrow, on February 22, Vadim Mikhailov, consultant of the Coordination Center for Infrastructure, will speak at APTLD 83. He will make a presentation on proactive detection of malicious domain registrations.
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