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Runet for the Growing Up

A round table “Runet for the Growing Up” was held at the site of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on February 14 in a hybrid format. The speakers covered topics including who produces positive content, how to advance digital literacy, and the potential applications of video games for minors in the changed conditions of 2022.

The speakers at the round table were Rifat Sabitov, chairman of the Public Chamber Commission on Development of the Information Society, Mass Media, and Mass Communications; Sergey Grebennikov, RAEC Director and Public Chamber member; Elizaveta Belyakova, chairman of the Alliance to Protect Children in Digital Environment; Yulia Goryachkina, Director of the department “Human Resources for the Digital Economy”; Urvan Parfentiev, Safe Internet Center coordinator; Andrey Aleinikov, public relations specialist with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ; and Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber Alexander Beglov.

Andrei Aleynikov presented the Coordination Center's educational project “Study the Internet & Govern It!”. "Digital literacy is now a basic set of skills for a modern person. Understanding how the Internet and digital technology works, and how to protect yourself online needs to be instilled in the younger generation from a young age. Our project helps to do this in interactive format: through games, quizzes, contests and tournaments. It is useful not only for children and teenagers, but also for parents and teachers. “Study the Internet & Govern It!” makes it possible to expand teachers' opportunities to develop digital literacy of their students as well as the ICT competencies of the teachers themselves,” he said.

The event was organized by the RAEC as part of the Secure Runet Week with the support of the Commission for Development of the Information Community, Mass Media and Mass Communications of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization Digital Economy.

Safer Runet Week is a series of events dedicated to the problem of safe and positive use of digital technology. Its events are timed to coincide with the International Safer Internet Day, an international date that draws the attention of specialists and users of the Web to the problem of digital security.

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