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The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian MFA Hosted an OEWG Model

The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia hosted the first in the history of model movement UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on security of and in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Such models are a youth movement designed to recreate as accurately as possible the work of any process, working group, meeting or organization within schools and universities. The OEWG model is a symbiosis of scientific conference and game. Model participants tried on the role of representatives of the OEWG member states and various NGOs and for three days defended the interests of the chosen state or NCO. 

The guests of the first model OEWG of the UN were:

  • Katherine Prizeman, M.S., Member of the UNWGES Secretariat;
  • Yury Yasnosokirsky - Head of the Department of International Information Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who oversees negotiations within the framework of the OEWG;
  • Ivan Surma - Head of the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
  • Veronika Filatkina – Attaché of the International Information Security Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Members of the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ also took part in the work of the model. Chairman of the Youth Council Andrey Aleinikov acted as a delegate from Russia, and Council members Sona de Apro and Daria Matyashova represented Venezuela and NGOs from Russia, respectively. We would also like to mention Pavel Pozdnyakov and Anastasia Chernobrivchenko, who helped organize the model, and Arevik Martirosyan, who co-chaired the event.

“Such models of serious meetings and various kinds of working groups are a good opportunity for students and people interested in the topic to enter it painlessly. During these three days, in addition to lectures from experts directly working on the development of international information security in the UN structure, participants in the OEWG model tried themselves as representatives of states and NGOs: they prepared the positions of countries and organizations, worked on reports, formed coalitions. In the working atmosphere, we felt how the process of adopting international resolutions is going on,” Andrey Aleinikov said.

The event was organized by the School of International Information Security with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs “Rosmolodezh”.

For reference:
The model of an international organization is a synthesis of a scientific-practical conference and a role-playing game, during which the participants simulate the work of bodies and specialized institutions of an international organization in all its official languages. Each delegate speaks on behalf of a particular country and represents its position on any international problem put on the agenda. The main task of the participant is to defend the position of his country and make the greatest contribution to the development of a decision on the agenda. The ultimate goal of the meetings of each committee is to adopt a resolution that will reflect the opinion of the world community on the agenda.

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