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The Damage to The Global Economy from The ICT Abuse Costs Trillions of Dollars

The Infoforum-2023 site hosted the section “International Information Security - The Issue Of The Day”. It was moderated by Andrey Krutskikh, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in the Field of Information Security, Boris Miroshnikov, Vice President of the Garda Technologies Group of Companies, and Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

The session discussed new challenges and threats to international information security, prospects for international cooperation to counter the use of ICT for criminal purposes, as well as ensuring national sovereignty on the Internet and security issues of Russian domains.
Andrey Krutskikh gave a detailed overview of how international relations in the field of information security have developed since 1998 to the present day. He noted the growth of threats in the field of information security around the world and stressed that “the scale of the malicious use of information and communication technologies today is amazing.”

Thus, according to the UN, the damage caused by cybercrime to the global economy annually costs trillions of dollars, and by 2025 this damage could reach 10 trillion. All this means the need for action both nationally and globally.

Andrey Vorobyev, director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, noted that the issue on the need to regulate the Internet and ensure digital sovereignty is relevant throughout the world, and relevant initiatives are already being developed and implemented in world practice (for example, the European “Declaration of Self-Regulation Principles for the Purposes of Security in Internet”). In Russia, such an initiative is the federal project “Information Security” of the national program “Digital Economy”, which has been operating since 2018. It is important that the federal project involves not only strengthening the systems for protecting websites and information infrastructure from attacks from outside, but also a large number of measures to improve the digital literacy of the population, including training new specialists in the field of information security.

“Improving the digital literacy of Russian Internet users is one of the priorities of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФю We pay special attention to working with the younger generation, as well as cooperation with universities in the field of training IT specialists, and this also contributes to the creation of an effective protection system rights and legitimate interests of the individual, business and the state from threats to information security,” Andrey Vorobyev said.

The Director of the Center also noted that from November 1, 2019, the law on ensuring the safe and stable functioning of the Internet in the country came into force - the so-called law on “Sovereign Runet”, the main task of which is to protect the domestic segment of the Internet from possible external threats. “I believe that this law was able to change the state of the Russian segment of the global network, create tools for its protection, ensure the safety of citizens in the international information space,” Andrey Vorobyev said.

Advisor to the Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Vladimir Gorzhaltsan presented the draft International Standard for Technical Regulation in the field of international information security management, developed by a group of experts in 2022. According to experts, the structure of this standard may to some extent be similar to the technical regulation standard and may be considered as an integral part of a universal international agreement on the application of the norms of responsible behavior of states in the ICT environment.

“It is assumed that the international information security management standard will be developed on behalf of the states concerned, as well as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet standards, initially in the form of an idea. Within the framework of cooperation, the idea should be supplemented in the future with comments and descriptions of international experts from various working groups, subgroups in charge of various areas, gradually turning into a working document of the standard (like RFC), describing the methods and behaviors applicable for the formulated goals,” Vladimir Gorzhaltsan said.

More information on the International Standard for Technical Regulation in the Field of International Information Security Management can be found in the article published on the Infoforum-2023 website.

Today the forum continues its work, the online stream is available here:

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