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Cybersecurity In The Focus Of The Entire Russian Society

On February 7, the Grand National Information Security Forum Infoforum-2023, which is the central industry forum in the field of ICT and information security, began its work in the building of the Moscow Government. The National Information Security Forum is being held for the 25th time. More than 3,000 specialists from almost all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the CSTO countries, have registered to participate in its work offline and online. Among the participants are well-known experts, heads and representatives of federal and regional authorities, leading Russian IT companies, educational and scientific centers, largest industrial enterprises, companies operating in the field of telecommunications, energy, defense industry, finance, engineering and other industries.

“Infoforum-2023” opened with the Plenary session “Information Security - A Strategic National Priority”. The meeting participants considered a number of important issues related to information security, including the national priorities for ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation and the need for new organizational, legal and information solutions in modern conditions, the tasks of ensuring the information sovereignty of the state, organizations and citizens and protecting critical information infrastructure. The focus was also on digital transformation and information security in the defense industry, energy, transport, communications, the financial sector, and information security in the social sector. The speakers shared the best regional practices and scalable solutions to ensure a secure information environment, spoke about training for information security and the development of practice-oriented standards in this area. Another topic was international cooperation and issues of cooperation within the framework of the CSTO, SCO, BRICS and other organizations.

The plenary session was opened by Alexander Shoitov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, President of the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation. “Cybersecurity has been and remains the focus of the entire Russian society, and at this historical moment, its strengths and weaknesses have become clearly visible. The security system built by our country was able to successfully repel the cyber aggression directed against it,” Alexander Shoitov said.

Nikolai Murashov, Deputy Director of the National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents, presented a report “On The Results Of Activities To Detect And Prevent Computer Attacks And Eliminate The Consequences Of Computer Incidents In 2022”. He noted that the number of cyberattacks on the information infrastructure of Russia in 2022 increased significantly. He also called a large number of participants and their high coordination a feature of DDoS attacks in recent months. Nikolai Murashov spoke about the main results of the activities of the NCCC in 2022: “At the request of the National Coordination Center, the activities of more than 28,300 malicious resources were terminated, including more than 3,800 domain names were partitioned. 1277 new participants joined State System of Detection, Prevention and Elimination of Consequences of Computer Attacks, the total number of participants exceeded 3500. In 2022, the System participants affected computer attacks more than 9200 times and responded to more than 2000 computer incidents. More than 1,400 owners of vulnerable information systems received recommendations to improve security, and more than 700 messages about malicious activity in their address space were sent to Russian telecom operators.” Recall that the National Coordination Center for Computer Incidents is one of the competent organizations cooperating with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, and also participates in the work of the Netoscope project.

The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ traditionally acts as a partner of Infoforum. This year, the Center stand was located at the Infoforum 2023 site, and at 15:30 there will be a section “International Information Security - The Issue Of The Day”, the participants of which will discuss new challenges and threats to international information security. The session will be moderated by Andrey Krutskikh, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in the Field of Information Security, Boris Miroshnikov, Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Infoforum, Vice President of the Garda Technologies Group of Companies, and Andrey Vorobyov, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. During the session Vladimir Gorzhaltsan, Adviser to the Director of the Coordination Center, will make a report on “Cooperation In The Field Of International Information Security Management”. Follow our publications!

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