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How to Choose IT Profession?

In mid-January, the team of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ went to the Tula region to visit the students of the Barsukovskaya boarding school named after A.M. Garanina.

About 50 students of 5-9 grades listened to the lecture “What IT is”. During the lecture, the children learned what parts IT consists of, what place the development of websites and applications takes, what are the prospects for these areas and, finally, why it is interesting.
After the lecture, the guys took part in the quiz “Study the Internet & Govern It” and answered most of the questions asked, which confirmed their good knowledge of the topic.

“It is extremely tough for students from rural schools, and much more so from boarding schools, to acquire in-depth knowledge about information technology and IT careers than students from large cities. The Coordination Center considers increasing the digital literacy of the younger generation as one of its main tasks, and such meetings just contribute to solving this problem, as well as help pupils to navigate the world of modern professions and make an informed choice,” said Alexander Drozdov, head of special projects of the Coordination Center.

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