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The General Meeting of the Founders of the Coordination Center approved the work plan and budget for 2023

The General Meeting of the Founders of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ was held on December 20. Participants have approved work plan and budget of the Center for 2023.

The meeting also decided on further funding of organizations established by the Coordination Center - the Fund for Support of Network Initiatives "Smart Internet", ANO "Center for Global IT Cooperation" and ANO "Center for Monitoring and Protection of Rights in the Digital Environment".

Recall that the General Meeting of Founders is the supreme governing body of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The founders of the Coordination Center are currently the Russian Federation, the functions and powers on behalf of which are carried out by Roskomnadzor, Regional Public Organization "Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT), CSO "Association of Documentary Telecommunications" (RANS), ANO "Russian Research Institute for Development Public Networks” (RIPN) and ANO “Institute for the Development of the Internet” (IRI).

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