The main topics of the forum, which was held on December 9-11 in the city of Goris (Armenia), were the challenges of information security in a new era, as well as the consequences of Western sanctions for the Eurasian economy.
Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, addressed the opening ceremony. Welcoming the participants, he emphasized the relevance of information security issues in the Eurasian space. Andrey Vorobyev also noted that the Coordination Center closely cooperates with the national registry of ccTLDs of Armenia .AM and .հայ and the Internet community of Armenia.
Speaking about the importance of involving young people, Andrey spoke about the active participation of members of the Youth Council of the Center in events dedicated to Internet Governance and information security. In particular, members of the Youth Council took part in the recently held UN Internet Governance Forum IGF 2022 and the annual international conference “Cyberstability: Approaches, Prospects, Challenges”, which was held by the International Affairs magazine with the support of the Russian Foreign Ministry and NAIIS.
“At one time there was the Garmishev process, where Russian and foreign experts in the field of information security gathered and discussed a variety of issues, including the advantages of a multistakeholder model of Internet Governance. Even then, experts urged not to romanticize this approach and insisted on the special role of states ... Now we see that the fears were not accidental. But what to do next? An interesting and at the same time turning point has come, and just the fact that young people in previous years have immersed themselves in the subject of Internet Governance will open new gates. Maybe a new process will appear, not Garmishev's, but, let's say, the Goris process. After all, this new platform that you have created has already declared itself very loudly, and the topics that you raise are interesting and topical,” said the Director of the Coordination Center.
Section dedicated to international information security and Internet fragmentation was held on the second day of the Forum. The speakers and moderators were Andrey Vorobyev, experts from India and Armenia, as well as members of the Youth Council of the .RU/.РФ Domains Coordination Center.
From the Youth Council of the Coordination Center, the chairman of the Council Andrey Aleinikov and its members Daria Stepovaya and Artyom Kosykh spoke at the section. The moderator of the section was Arevik Martirosyan, head of the School of International Information Security, member of the Youth Council of the Center.
The was discussion focused on current approaches to the regulation of the digital space and international initiatives in this area. The session also raised the issue of the need to intensify Eurasian cooperation, since the current state of the world order dictates an urgent need for multilateral cooperation involving many countries.
The Youth Council participants shared with the speakers information about Russian and international projects involving the younger generation in the field of Internet Governance, and also presented their activities.
The purpose of the forum is to bring together experts in the field of international relations, economics and information security from the countries of the Greater Caucasus, India, Iran and Russia to exchange views on issues related to the development of the region and its future, as well as to jointly search for possible solutions that will contribute to a stable world and prosperity of the region.
The forum was organized by the Foundation for the Support of Public Diplomacy named after A.M. Gorchakov, "Culture and Future" Foundation, "Armenian Project" non-profit organization, "International Studies" online edition.