During the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2022), the Youth Council of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the International Information Security School held a networking session titled "Youth Initiatives of the Russian Federation: The Experience of the School of International Information Security and the Coordination Center’s Youth Council" on November 29.
While Arevik Martirosyan, Head of the School of International Information Security, and Andrey Aleinikov, Chairman of the Youth Council, presented their proposals to the globe, the session was moderated by Pavel Pozdnyakov, a specialist for External Communications of the Coordination Center. Daria Stepovaya, a member of the Youth Council and the Executive Directorate of the School, arranged the workshop.
Andrey Aleinikov spoke about the goals, projects and activities of the Youth Council. Arevik Martirosyan presented the tasks and plans of the School. The speakers said that the School and the Youth Council are planning to expand their network of contacts with those who share their vision and aspirations. The ultimate goal of such cooperation is the organization of joint events and work on international projects.
“We strive to develop comprehensive cooperation so that young people can present their point of view on Internet Governance, and institutions, one way or another involved in the Internet Governance process, take into account the views of the younger generation,” Andrey Aleinikov said.
At the end of the session, the participants discussed the opportunities and challenges of involving the younger generation in the Internet Governance process.