The “Фотодомен.РФ” (Photodomain.РФ) competition's audience voting round came to an end on November 15. This year, 146 images were nominated for voting, and the public had to select the best one. The creator of this winning shot will receive a special audience prize.
The work from the "Graphics in .РФ " nomination with the миргрызунов.рф domain, a business selling items for animals, received the most likes. It should be mentioned that it is well-deserved; a creative approach is evident in the collage with the adorable guinea pigs.
Our sincere congratulations go out to Kapustina Violeta, the creator of the image that received the audience's favor!
We also want to remind you that the stage of expert and jury work starts following audience voting, and that's when we'll announce the competition winners. At the Russian Internet Week RIW 2022, the winners will be publicly announced, and the prizes will be solemnly awarded.