The annual "School of Real Affairs" competition for students and began on November 11. A case fair at VDNKh, which attracted more than 50 organizations from Moscow and other Russian regions, served as the official start of the new season.
The competition serves as a platform for the development and solution of engineering tasks and projects that businesses assign to students. At the case fair, more than 80 different ideas are presented this year, and students select the ones they find most intriguing for themselves. The chosen concepts are put into action by them for a period of four months before the qualifying round. The teams that pass it will participate in the project's final reporting conference in April, at which the winners will be declared.
In following tradition, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.PФ which proposed this year to create a scenario for a gaming module for the educational portal "Study the Internet & Govern It!" was among the employers.
The Coordination Center introduced "Study the Internet & Govern It!" and examples of scenarios of game modules developed by the participants of previous years, as well as with a case that the participants will have to implement.
Cases of the XI season are published here (Center’s case is number 41).
Registration of teams for solving specific cases takes place until November 20, 2022 via the link.
Representatives of the Coordination Center presented an interactive game on digital literacy and information security at the expo so that participants could evaluate their knowledge and skills right away. The participants learned about contemporary Internet technologies, Internet culture, and the guidelines for safe online conduct. Everyone received a tiny memento from the Coordination Center at the conclusion of the game.
The Coordination Center has long participated in the "School of Real Affairs," it should be highlighted. Teams of students wrote exams for a training mobile app, tours for the educational quiz "Study the Internet & Govern It!" and scenarios for the Knowledge section.
Organizers of the competition: School No. 2086, Department of Education and Science of Moscow, Department of Information Technologies of Moscow, Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
General Partners: Joint Stock Company High-Technological Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A.A. Bochvar" and the Fund for Support of Social Innovations "Volnoye Delo".