The Coordination Center for.RU/.PФ held its General Meeting of Founders on November 7. The meeting's chairman was chosen to be Alexander Ivanyuk, the head of the RANS Executive Committee.
The meeting attendees adopted the proposed edition of the Rules for registering domain names in the .RU and .PФ domains after considering the issue of changing the Rules (more on this in our news). On December 12, 2022, the updated Rules will go into force.
Additionally, the GMF participants resolved to switch the primary activity of the ANO "Coordination Center of the National Domain of the Internet" from "Activities in the field of documentary telecommunications" to "Activities in the production and use of databases and information resources." The Coordination Center will include "activity in the field of documentary telecommunications" to its list of extracurricular pursuits.
The information and financial reports of ANO Center for Global IT-Cooperation and the ANO Center for Monitoring and Protection of Rights in the Digital Environment, and a report on the operations of the Smart Internet Network Initiatives Support Fund for 2021 were also examined and noted during the Meeting.
At the Meeting, a variety of other organizational issues were also discussed.
Remember that the General Meeting of Founders is the Coordination Center' highest governing body. The Russian Federation, which is currently represented by Roskomnadzor, the Regional Public Organization "Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT), the CSO "Association of Documentary Telecommunications" (RANS), the ANO "Russian Research Institute for Development Public Networks" (RIPN), and the ANO "Institute for the Development of the Internet," founded the Coordination Center (IRI).