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Artificial Intelligence and the Question of Authorship: Will Man Remain the Only Creator?

On October 20, the participants of the discussion club "Digital Reality" got together again to traditionally discuss not the most obvious aspects of modern technologies.

Participants talked about whether the involvement of AI algorithms is a blessing, who owns the works created by AI, as well as how and by whom disputes on authorship are resolved, and what an artist should do in a world where the neural network has also learned how to create art.
Alexander Serechenko from the art duo Gray Cake noted that the concept of algorithms, neural networks and AI is an interesting subject for interpretation, application and actualization. “The phenomenal value of AI is that it changes our views on law, art, philosophy and psychology, aesthetics and ethics. This is its undoubted advantage,” he added.

According to Ilona Stadnik, curator of youth projects at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, the discussion turned out to be diversified: both legal and creative aspects were discussed, as well as recent cases and practice of resolving authorship disputes in Russia and abroad.

“Today we can say that algorithms and neural networks can only be tools in the hands of authors and inventors. In creative environment the use of technology opens up additional opportunities, and in technological processes it speeds up routine processes. However, despite the isolated cases of recognition of algorithms as the authors of the invention, it is not necessary to say that AI will become an author on a par with a person in the near future,” she added.

The recording of the broadcast is available on Youtube.

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