Sergey Kopylov, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, took part in the interagency round table dedicated to discussing the implementation of the proposals of the report of Boris Titov, Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the President of Russia on the Internet section. The public internet ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev became the moderator of the round table.
The round table discussed a number of issues, including the practice of prosecuting business owners and IT company owners on administrative and criminal charges, the difficulty of regulation and the high level of discretion exercised by officials in the application of personal data laws, unfair competition for Russian non-commodity online exports, compatibility of standards for the exchange and storage of data with other information systems, and other subjects.
One of the important issues discussed at the round table was the creation of an algorithm for unblocking websites from which prohibited information has been removed.
“It is not uncommon for website owners who are ordered to remove this or that information as illegal, for a long time after its removal cannot achieve the unblocking of their resources,” said Dmitry Marinichev, public Internet ombudsman. – “Since the criteria for exclusion from the register of Roskomnadzor are not transparent, entrepreneurs have to apply to this department several times. And even despite the attachment of screenshots confirming the removal of prohibited information, and court decisions to cancel the decisions to include the website in the registry, Roskomnadzor does not immediately satisfy their requests. Federal Law No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” sets a three-day period for unblocking a website, but in practice it is often violated.”
Evgeny Zaitsev, head of the Department for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Electronic Communications of Roskomnadzor, noted that there are technical difficulties in the unlocking process - for example, traffic encryption, due to which the telecom operator that blocks access cannot see a specific page and, as a result, blocks the entire Internet resource. And in order to increase the transparency of the procedure, the representative of the RKN suggested that the judges, when considering the claim, involve the website owners more closely.
Sergey Kopylov also prepared proposals for optimizing the protection of the rights of website owners in case of blocking, which will be considered in the future.
During the round table, it was decided to apply to the Prosecutor General's Office with a proposal to create methodological recommendations for territorial prosecutors, in which the procedure for filing a claim would be more clearly regulated, taking into account the approaches of Roskomnadzor.