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"Prevention Of The Spread Of The Ideology Of Terrorism And Extremism In The City Of Moscow" round table was held in Troitsk

On September 29, Troitsk hosted a round table "Prevention Of The Spread Of The Ideology Of Terrorism And Extremism In The City Of Moscow." The event was held in a hybrid format.

Leaders and employees of non-profit organizations of the district were invited to participate in the round table to get acquainted with colleagues and the work of non-profit organizations of the TiNAO with youth. The participants discussed the problems of extremism among the youth, found out who is at risk and what kind of preventive work it is rational to carry out with them, what experience and new projects of NGO TinaO will contribute to the prevention of extremism among the youth of New Moscow.

Olga Yakovleva, head of the project department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, presented the safe domain zone for children . ДЕТИ. The Coordination Center is the founder of the . ДЕТИ domain registry - the Smart Internet Foundation.

The . ДЕТИ domain space contains websites for children and parents - all of them are completely safe and do not contain destructive content that negatively affects the child's psyche.

“We want the Internet to be a space where it is not scary to let a child go. Often parents limit their children's access to the Internet, which is not entirely correct. In order for children to understand how to behave correctly in the online environment, it is necessary to instill in them the skills of digital hygiene, and not blindly prohibit them from going online. However, it will be better if the child takes their first digital steps in a safe space, which we are creating in the .ДЕТИ domain,” Olga Yakovleva noted.

The full recording of the roundtable is here.

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