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“Cyrillic Domains Become The Most Successful Among IDNs”

On September 30, the 15th International conference for ccTLD registries and registrars of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe (TLDCON 2022) opened. The conference is attended by more than 100 people, who are domain industry experts, lawyers, technical specialists, managers and employees of industry companies. The organizer of the conference is the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. The conference is held with the support of the Technical Center of Internet and MSK-IX.

Andrey Vorobyev, the director of the Coordination Center, officially opened the meeting. He pointed out that this year's TLDCON is held at the end of September in order to address, among other things, the outcomes of the ICANN 75 and the effects that corporate-level choices have on the markets of the CIS nations and the EMEA region. Additionally, he hosted tour-de-table discussions with experts from international organizations, national registries, and registrant businesses to discuss the most significant trends, events, and future plans.

ICANN Vice President for Stakeholder Engagement, Director of ICANN Europe Office Chris Mondini briefed the participants on the results of last week's ICANN 75. He named IDNs and Universal Acceptance as the main topics of the conference, as well as the possible launch of the second stage of the new domains program. “More and more non-English speakers are coming to the Internet, and internationalized domains are becoming very important for fully incorporating new Internet users into the network. I would like to note that Cyrillic domains have become the most successful among IDNs, and this is a huge merit of our colleagues from Russia,” said Chris Mondini. He recalled that now 23 scripts are already working for addressing on the Internet, representing more than 40 different languages ​​using non-Latin alphabets.

Chris Mondini also spoke about the progress regarding the development of new TLDs. “Since 2012, we have gained a lot of experience, and I hope that now the process of creating new TLD will be much easier and more efficient,” he said. According to the speaker, an evaluation of the possibility of launching the second stage of the new domains program is now prepared, and it will be presented on December 3 at the meeting of the ICANN Board. Based on the results of consideration of the document, a decision will be made to launch the second stage of the program.

Deputy Director of the Coordination Center Irina Daneliya, who is also a member of the ccNSO Council and Vice Chair of the Standing Committee on Strategic and Operational Planning (SOPC), spoke about the results of the ICANN 75 meeting and the work of the ccNSO. She said that not only traditional Latin ccTLD registries, but also national IDN registries can now be members of the ccNSO. Another important event that took place at ICANN 75 was the approval by the ICANN Board of the Policy for the Decommissioning of ccTLDs.

APTLD CEO Leonid Todorov reviewed the state of the domain industry in the Asia-Pacific region and invited everyone to participate in the next APTLD meeting, which will be held on October 26-27 in Oman.

Alexey Rogdev, General Director of the Technical Center of Internet, spoke about how the company operates under sanctions and import substitution, as well as about new projects being developed in partnership with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. Evgeny Morozov, General Director of MSK-IX, continued this topic.

Maria Kolesnikova, Chief Analyst of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, introduced the activities of the Coordination Center in the direction of presenting Universal Acceptance for TLDCON 2022 participants. Further, representatives of national registries – Azizbek Kadyrov (Uzinfocom Unified Integrator, .UA domain, Uzbekistan), Deyan Dzhukich (RNIDS, .RS/.СРБ domains, Serbia) and Anna Karakhanyan (.AM/.ՀԱՅ , Armenia) spoke about their work during the past year. The tour-de-table was completed by the CEO of RU-CENTER Andrey Kuzmichev, who spoke about how the current situation affects the activities of the largest Russian domain name registrar, as well as how the project of connecting Russian accredited registrars to the ESIA is being implemented.

TLDCON 2022 continues to work – join us on our YouTube channel.

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