Vadim Mikhailov, Infrastructure Consultant of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, addressed the Saint HighLoad++ 2022 High-Load Systems Developers Conference, which was held on September 22-23 in St. Petersburg. In the report “Global Transition to Unicode: How To Ensure The Readiness Of Mail Systems For Addressing In Russian”, he presented the history of the internationalization of Internet identifiers, the current work of expert communities, from the perspective of the industry standards for the internationalization of Internet identifiers developed by them, as well as the practical features of implementing support internationalized domain names and email addresses.
He noted that the global internationalization of the Internet, caused by the increase in the number of Internet users from different countries, has led to the emergence of a large number of multilingual online platforms, services and other software solutions. One of the turning points in the domain addressing system was the emergence of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) consisting of non-ASCII characters, followed by e-mail addresses using such domains (EAIs). “The development of IDNs and EAIs still continues, and there is an increasing need to implement the correct work with such identifiers in all Internet-based systems, applications and devices. In this regard, in my report, I spoke about the latest achievements in this matter and how not to be left behind with outdated approaches when working with the new realities of the multilingual ecosystem of the global network,” Vadim Mikhailov explained.
Also in the report, Vadim made an overview of available IT solutions and presented examples of organizing correct work with IDN and EAI technologies in mail systems of various sizes.
At the end of the speech, the conference participants discussed the statistics of the implementation of domains and email addresses in Russian, the problems of their integration with existing products and services, as well as the practical applicability of ready-to-work with internationalization solutions.