Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev and Advisor to the Director Vladimir Gorzhaltsan held a working meeting at the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don). At the meeting with Yevgeny Mukhanov, Vice-Rector for Strategic and Innovative Development of the SFedU, leaders have discussed possible areas of joint work and agreed to sign a cooperation agreement.
Holding interregional scientific and educational events, information security tournaments, promoting digital literacy among students, parents and teachers, developing new programs to improve the competent use of Internet technologies, conducting work within the framework of the educational project “Study The Internet & Govern It!”, organizing educational events as part of the international Universal Acceptance initiative to raise awareness, as well as identify and solve problems associated with the Universal Acceptance of all valid domain names and email addresses were among the main joint activities.
Next year, the university will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Academician Viktor Glushkov, the founder of the Russian cybernetic school, who laid the foundations for digitalization in the USSR. In particular, Glushkov developed a comprehensive project of the digital state and digital economy OGAS (nationwide automated data processing and control system for collecting and processing information for accounting, planning and managing the national economy of the USSR - the prototype of the Soviet Internet). The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Southern Federal University are jointly initiating a number of anniversary events that will take place throughout 2023.
Also at the meeting, colleagues from SFedU have presented the Coordination Center’s representatives with a commemorative book "Battle for Rostov", written by Andrey Kudryakov, a military historian, scientist and researcher of SFedU.
“We keep developing cooperation with educational institutions; and the meeting with the leadership of the SFedU is precisely aimed at strengthening our work in many areas. The agreement, which is being prepared for signing, will make it possible to attract new highly qualified specialists to work on solving the problem of Universal Acceptance. In addition, my colleagues from SFedU have begun work on a project dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician Glushkov, and I hope that this will be of interest to the general public,” said Andrey Vorobyev, director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.PФ.