The website of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2022), which is going to be held on September 28-29, 2022 in an online format, has published the preliminary program of the Forum. The Forum participants will discuss how the development of the Global Digital Compact is progressing, talk about the regulation of ecosystems, and share their experience in combating destructive content. Another important topic of the first day of the Forum will be the use of Artificial Intelligence in Internet technologies - new challenges for users and society, the reduction in the level of rice when using AI, as well as the impact of the Internet and Artificial Intelligence technologies on civilizational development.
The second day of RIGF 2022 will begin with the presentation of the Virtuti Interneti award and the laureate's traditional lecture. Further, the topics of the day will be new educational technologies, cybersecurity issues, the risks of the digital environment today and tomorrow. Also, the Forum will end with a section on youth participation in Internet Governance, which will present the results of the IGF 2021 youth program, the results of YouthRIGF 2022, programs for youth in the world (ITU, EuroDIG, IGF), as well as information about youth projects of the Domain Coordination Center for TLD .RU/РФ.
Special guests at the Forum include both regular and new speakers. Vadim Glushchenko (ANO “Center for Global IT-Cooperation”), Andrey Kashanin (Institute of State and Municipal Administration, National Research University Higher School of Economics (ISMU)), and Hariniombonan Andriamampionon (Airtel Madagascar (Madagascar)) will address the section "Global Digital Contract" under the direction of Roman Chukov, Chairman of the Board of the Center for International Promotion on September 28. Furthermore, the moderator of the section, RAEC Director Sergey Plugotarenko, and other participants — Alexey Minaev (Ozon), Damir Salikhov (MTS), Igor Alekseev (Yandex), Dmitry Ter-Stepanov (ANO “Digital Economy”), and Elena Zaeva (Federal Antimonopoly Service) — will share their perspectives on the regulation of ecosystems.
“Russian And World Experience In The Field Of Combating Destructive Content. The Role And Responsibility Of Digital Platforms” section will be held by Anna Dupan, Director of the Institute for Problems of Legal Regulation, Faculty of Law, Higher School of Economics. Among its participants are Rustam Sagdatullin (ROCIT), Vladimir Todorov (Lenta.ru), Dinara Okremova (Legal Media Center (Republic of Kazakhstan)), Konstantin Golub (VKontakte).
Karen Kazarian (Internet Research Institute) will be the moderator of the section “Preservation Of Human Capabilities On The Internet Based On The Use Of Artificial Intelligence”. And at the section “Edtech: New Technologies In The New World. What Changes Have Occurred In The Educational Services Market And How People And Companies Have Adapted To Them”, which will be held by Makar Goncharov, managing partner of PulsarProduction, will be addressed by leaders and representatives of popular educational platform and clusters – Valentina Kurenkova (Netology), Alexey Polovinkin (Cyphrium), Mikhail Myagkov (MAXIMUM Education), Natalia Tsarevskaya (Skolkovo, Ed2 accelerator). Aleksey Lukatsky, a well-known expert and business consultant on information security at Positive Technologies, will be the moderator of the “Cybersecurity: Ensuring Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)” section. And in the section “Digital Born Generation: Risks Of The Digital Environment Today And Tomorrow”, led by the Chairman of the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment, Elizaveta Belyakova, includes Ruslan Yusufov (MINDSMITH), Tatyana Kurbatova (ANO Center for Global IT-Cooperation”), Fanny Rotino (ITU), Anton Kukanov (Russian Quality System).
Join the debates around RIGF 2022! Participation in the Forum is free, registration is required.
Recall that the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum RIGF 2022 is going to be held online on September 28-29. The Forum is hosted by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Center for Global IT-Cooperation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Official Forum partners: Kaspersky Lab and MSK-IX.
Strategic media partners: Interfax and Izvestia Information Center.
Media partners: “Open Systems” publishing house, PRO BUSINESS TV channel, Internet portals ComNews.ru, D-Russia.ru, Digital-report.ru, ICT-Online.ru, ICT2GO.ru, Mobile Telecommunications, BYTEmag.ru, Securitymedia.org, as well as the journals Vestnik Svyazy, “CONNECT. World of Information Technologies”, “First Mile”, “Radio Frequency Spectrum”, “BIT.Business&Information Technologies” and “IT Market Bestsellers”.
More information on the website.