Evgeniy Pankov, project manager of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, made a presentation “How To Choose And Protect A Domain Name. Legal Aspects Of Domain Name Registration” during the UIC Dev Technology Conference. The event was attended by more than 600 people.
Evgeniy discussed how to safeguard your business on the Internet, what to consider when selecting and registering a domain name, and how to avoid becoming a victim of intrusion. Additionally, he has presented the Domain Patrol, which involves cooperation with authorized domain registrars in the.RU and .PФ zones.
Since its launch in 2020, the project has approved its position as one of the industry's most useful self-regulation tools. Competent organizations sent registrars more than 11,600 queries in 2021. Phishing resources were detected in 90% of them.
Evgeniy also conducted a quiz titled “Study the Internet & Govern It!” during the conference's closing session. All participants got mementos from the Coordination Center.
“Study the Internet & Govern It!” is a social and educational project for students, which is implemented by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of PJSC Rostelecom. The project's foundation is an educational portal that enables you to study the possibilities and fundamentals of the Internet in a user-friendly and enjoyable manner. A training mobile application will assist in consolidating your knowledge. The All-Russian Online Championship for students is being held as part of the initiative; registration is open until November 1.