The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has announced the application submission period for the third Summer School on Internet Governance. The school is organized by the Coordination Center together with the St. Petersburg State University School of International Relations and is part of the global movement Schools on Internet Governance (SIG).
The school’s main objective is to immerse participants in the current issues of internet governance and digital cooperation at the global and local levels and to teach skills for comprehensive participation in relevant international organizations, conferences and dialogues.
The school’s target audience is university students, postgraduates, young teachers and researchers, as well as experts and professionals who are interested in internet governance.
The School on Internet Governance will take place online from October 1 to November 16, 2022 in two stages:
1. October 1-26: A preparatory course
Participants will attend an introductory course on internet governance to immerse themselves in the global context of the issue. They will discuss the content they learned at online meetings twice a week and do homework to confirm that the material was understood and digested.
Preparatory course subjects:
- The history of the internet and Runet
- Internet infrastructure: Main terms and principles of operations
- Issues related to internet governance
- Participants in internet governance
- Global processes of internet governance
- Internet governance models
Following the preparatory course, the 40 most active and enthusiastic listeners will be selected to move on to the main course.
2. November 1-16: Main course
The main course is an additional training program developed by St. Petersburg State University and includes interaction between students and experts in internet governance in themed lectures and discussions. Attendees will also work in groups.
Main course subjects:
- Will global digital cooperation replace internet governance?
- Telecommunications, standards, infrastructure: The development of the internet in the next decade;
- Cyber security at the international level: Who administers the rules?
- Human rights for privacy on the network and total datafication: How can they be combined?
- The global and local internet. What is fragmentation?
Following the course, the students will write an analytical essay on the learned subject and will receive a certificate from the St. Petersburg State University additional training program upon the successful completion of the course.
Tuition is free. The application deadline is September 29.
Learn more about the conditions for participation, the school program and registration here.