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NAIIS general meeting

The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry hosted a regular annual general meeting of the National Association for International Information Security (NAIIS). The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is a member of the association.

The meeting participants examined and approved the report on the main results of NAIIS’s activities over the last year. It was noted that during that time the association held and took part in dozens of events aimed at developing a safe cyberspace and protecting Russian society from the destructive information and psychological impact.

For example, in September 2021 the 15th Forum on the Partnership between the State, Businesses and Civil Society in Ensuring International Information Security was held. Vladimir Gorzhaltsan, First Deputy Director of the Coordination Center, was among the speakers at the forum. He took part in the roundtable discussion, Ensuring the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure, and spoke about the current threats in the DNS and the security ecosystem created by the Coordination Center for Russian ccTLDs .RU and .РФ, as well as about the center’s projects to identify and suppress the abuse of domain names, such as Domain Patrol and Netoscope, or the institute of competent organizations.

Last November, NAIIS held a seminar, in a hybrid format, on addressing the practical application of rules on the responsible behavior of states in the ICT environment. Taking part in the seminar were over 40 leading scientists and specialists, including employees of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

In addition to this, the meeting participants discussed the preparations for the 16th Forum on the Partnership between the State, Businesses and Civil Society in Ensuring International Information Security scheduled to take place on September 19-21, 2022.

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