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Sochi hosts 9th Southern Information Security Forum

On July 6-8, Sochi is hosting the ninth Southern Information Security Forum (Infoforum Sochi 2022). The Southern Information Security Forum is organized by the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption Control together with the administration of the Russian Security Council and the association of the Infoforum National Information Security Forum. Over 350 sectoral experts are taking part in Infoforum Sochi 2022.

The forum opened with a plenary session dedicated to Russia’s information security during its transition to ICT independence. The participants discussed the digital transformation of economic sectors in Russian regions, and promising regional projects to build a comfortable and secure information environment. There were also thematic discussions, namely Digital Security: New Challenges and Priorities, Ensuring Technological Independence and Key Tasks of the IT Industry, and Public-Private Partnership in Ensuring Trust and Security in the Use of ICT. The last discussion was organized by one of the founders of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, the Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS). RANS President Arkady Kremer chaired the discussion, and Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev gave a presentation on the sustainable and safe functioning of the Russian segment of the internet.

Andrey Vorobyev talked about how the security ecosystem of the Russian domain zone is organized and works, and what threats and challenges it is facing. He stressed that the security ecosystem of the Russian ccTLDs, .RU and .РФ, consists of a mix of Russian companies’ best practices, partnerships between all market players, and an appropriate regulatory framework. At the same time, continuous monitoring of the .RU and .РФ registry, which is carried out by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and its partners, is also of great importance. The Coordination Center director spoke about cooperation with international and regional infosec organizations in the new geopolitical conditions.

CEO of the Technical Center of Internet (TCI) Alexey Rogdev also spoke at the session. He talked about how the TCI ensured the stable and safe operation of the Russian segment of the internet. He noted that this work focuses on maintaining the integrity and availability of the DNS services.

In his report “Master’s Degree in Information Culture of Digital Transformation,” Chair of the RANS Executive Committee Alexander Ivanyuk said that this new degree from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics was another step in implementing the activities of the Information Security federal project of the Digital Economy national program. The degree program was approved at the Academic Council of MTUCI, and admission for the first year of the program is now open. The university also set up several educational and research laboratories for the new degree, including those for developing ICT infrastructure, building skills for working in international organizations, and others. Work is underway to design an educational and research laboratory for coordinating international cooperation (including a response center).

Also taking part in the session were IVK Board Chair Vladislav Zezyulin, who talked about the development strategy of Russian repositories of system and application software, and MCST Deputy General Director for Marketing Konstantin Trushkin, who presented a project to create a programming academy for the Elbrus architecture.

Infoforum Sochi is one of the most popular forums among managers and specialists in this industry. It has been held since 2014 and is an integral part of the Infoforum National Information Security Forum, which includes a number of annual events on various aspects of information security.

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