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Altai schoolchildren compete in the online challenge, Explore the Internet & Govern It!

On June 28-30, 2022, the IT Youth Volunteers 2022: Game Practitioners Festival, was held. This is a traditional part of Electronic Week at the annual Altai forum. This is not the first time that experts from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ have taken part in the event, and this year the Coordination Center became a partner.

At the opening ceremony on June 28, Altai Territory Minister of Digital Development and Communications Yevgeny Zryumov gave a welcome talk. The expert noted how important the event was for the region saying that human resources for the digital economy were a regional priority. During the previous forum, the minister attended the presentation of projects and set new goals and objectives for the young volunteers. They worked hard and presented the results of their work this year. The minister also noted that digital competencies were important for creating various online projects and also that soft skills such as teamwork, interaction, task-setting, and working as a team in general were important.

In her speech, the Coordination Center’s Special Project Manager Tatyana Novikova stressed that the assembly had become a gathering of like-minded people, working to improve the digital literacy of Russians and ensuring digital security, and has been doing so for some time.

“We are running social projects for children and teenagers, and it is gratifying that our flagship project, Explore the Internet & Govern It! is loved by Altai schoolchildren and students. More than 15,000 young people from all across Russia take part in it every year. And Altai students are among the most active,” Tatyana Novikova said.

On June 29, the participants got down to the practical work in IT Youth Volunteers’ labs. The Explore the Internet & Govern It! platform headed by Tatyana Novikova was one laboratory. The students were introduced to a game that unobtrusively teaches the culture of using IT and cybersecurity. Everyone was able to test their knowledge of the history of the internet and Russian ccTLDs .RU and .РФ in an online quiz, which was met positively by the participants in the assembly. The event ended with interesting tasks and pleasant surprises.

In total, over 120 schoolchildren, students, heads of social and educational projects, and cybersecurity experts attended the forum.

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