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“The modern Internet environment can be more dangerous than the ordinary street”

On June 22, the Russian State Children's Library (RSDL) hosted an annual webinar on countering destructive and harmful content and maintaining positive content. The webinar was attended by employees of 285 libraries working with children and actively participating in the Weblandia project, as well as specialists interested in modern content for children and adolescents and security issues in the Internet environment.

The webinar participants noted the relevance of the topic of destructive content in the context of an ever-increasing amount of information on the Internet, the importance of timely filtering of toxic content, as well as the need to attract a children's audience to educational and developmental resources and consolidate the efforts of specialists working with children and parents to create a safe and secure environment for children and positive internet space.

Olga Yakovleva, Head of the Project Department of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, spoke about the fact that the modern Internet environment is more dangerous for children and teenagers than the usual street: teenagers are involved in illegal actions, dangerous challenges, sects, fake news, clones pose a threat to them online stores, etc.

“According to a survey of 2,000 users aged 11 to 18, 68% of children have already experienced threats on social networks, and half of them have suffered morally, physically or financially. Adults in dialogue with children and the youth can equip them with knowledge about behavior in the digital environment, in the formation of which libraries play an important role,” Olga Yakovleva noted. The speaker told the audience in detail about the goals, objectives, opportunities and current results of the educational game project of the Coordination Center for students and teachers “Study the Internet & Govern It!” and about the interactive elements of this project - games, quizzes, tournaments and contests. All this contributes to the promotion of educational content aimed at educating students in the field of digital literacy.

The recording of the webinar is available via the link.

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