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Results of the VI All-Russian Family IT Marathon Announced

On the eve of the International Day of the Families, which is annually celebrated on May 15, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Rostelecom, and the Academy of Innovative Education and Development summed up the results of the VI All-Russian Family IT Marathon, which took place on the official website of the project “Study the Internet & Govern It”.

More than 100 family teams from different regions of Russia took part in the event. They consisted of 5-11 years students, their parents, relatives or close friends, as well as members of the governing boards of educational organizations. Moscow, the Novosibirsk Region, the Moscow Region, the Republic of Dagestan and the Nizhny Novgorod Region became the leaders in teams’ number.

The competition was held in two stages. The first one was a creative task, so participants had to make a video on the “Digital technologies of the future” or “Culture and information security on the Internet” topic. The second stage was an online tournament, which consisted of 24 tasks of varying complexity, united by one topic: "Digital Technologies of the Future" (virtual and augmented reality - VR, AR, telemedicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and blockchain, industrial Internet of things, security).

The winners were the teams that scored the most points in the sum of the two stages.

Nomination "Absolute Winner":

  • 1st place: Cookie team, Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan);
  • 2nd place: "Family First" team, Kazatskoe (Belgorod region);
  • 3rd place: team "KirPot2022", Novomikhailovka (Novosibirsk region).

Special nomination "Best video":

  • 1st place: “Happy” team, p. Debesy (Udmurt Republic);
  • 2nd place: "gtx 1550" team, Perm (Perm Territory);
  • 3nd place: "Family First" team, Kazatskoe (Belgorod region);

The special nomination "The most original post" was awarded to the "Matrix" team, Ryazan. The special prize “Leader of the Online Tournament” was won by the Novomih2022 team, p. Novomikhailovka (Novosibirsk region). A special nomination was also awarded to the SBGEI of the city of Moscow "School No. 1101" as the organization that presented the largest number of teams with the participation of members of the governing boards.

The winners will receive diplomas and valuable prizes from the organizers. Participants of the online tournament who did not win prizes will receive personalized electronic certificates.

“Active participation in the marathon of family teams from all regions of Russia has become a good tradition for us. It is the family that layы the groundwork for the professional development of schoolchildren and in many ways instills interest in a particular field of activity. And the contribution of the family to the development of skills in working with modern technologies, the study of digital technologies of the future in the current conditions is becoming an important task on the way to creating a future digital environment,” said Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

“We hope that the All-Russian Family IT Marathon helped the participants gain new knowledge and skills, learn to better understand the difficulties and intricacies of the Internet virtual network. Each competition is unique in its own way: this year members of the governing boards of educational organizations participated together with parents and children. This is another bridge in strengthening the interaction between all participants in educational relations. We hope that the joint interesting work has helped to unite the teams of parents, teachers and children,” added Olga Rubtsova, rector of the Academy of Innovative Education and Development, accredited expert of Roskomnadzor.

“According to the results of the marathon, we see how families from Russian regions actively participate in competitions. We are very glad that their skills of safe use of the Internet, knowledge of the main IT trends, ability to understand the digital technologies of the future are not inferior to the skills of residents of the capital and other large cities. Rostelecom actively supports various educational projects in the IT field and considers it important to develop digital hygiene skills and safe use of the Internet in children and adolescents. The family IT marathon is an important step in preparing for life in the digital world,” said Yuliana Sokolenko, Director of the External Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility Department at Rostelecom.

“Study the Internet & Govern It” is a popular social and educational project with the purpose to increase the level of digital literacy of participants. Over 11 years of its existence, more than 200 thousand students from all Russian regions of have taken part in it.

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