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International Information Security: Russia’s Approaches

The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry hosted a conference organized by the MGIMO Center for International Information Security and the School of International Information Security. During the event, experts presented the “International Information Security: Russia’s Approaches” report. After the presentation there was a round table discussion on a comprehensive review of the foreign policy initiatives of the Russian Federation in the field of international information security within the UN, as well as at regional and transregional international platforms.

The participants have also discussed the interaction between business and the state in the field of information technology, the possibility of ensuring information security by the state in the new conditions, as well as issues of digital inequality and digital colonialism.

The Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev has taken part in the event. He noted that the last month showed the relevance of the topics discussed: “Even the organizations responsible for the stable functioning of the Internet address space have faced enormous pressure to which various participants in the domain registration market are subjected: from registrars to regulators. In particular, the Ukrainian government made proposals to the ICANN Board to disable Russian national domains. ICANN answered that the company is out of politics.”

During the discussion, it was noted that Russia stands for respect for International Law and the peaceful development of the global information space, preventing its militarization, preventing conflicts in the digital environment, and ensuring the principles of state sovereignty.

According to the speakers, international cooperation continues despite the difficult situation in the world, and special attention should be paid to the need to develop legal norms to prevent information wars and regulate relations between countries in the field of international information security.

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