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Legal Competition for Universal Acceptance Launched

Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ in cooperation with IP CLUB with the support of the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance holds legal competition for students, PhDs, and all interested persons.

The theme of the competition is the legal aspects of the Universal Acceptance of domain names and e-mail addresses.

Full information on the competition

The competition is dedicated to the birthday of the Russian ccTLD .РФ on May 12 - this day in 2010, the record of the Cyrillic national domain zone was added to the root zone of the Internet. Nowadays, about 673,000 domain names are registered in the .РФ domain zone. Registration of Cyrillic domain names is also available in other domain zones like .SU, .ДЕТИ, .МОСКВА, .РУС etc.

The Internet is a multilingual structure, and for more than 10 years, users have an opportunity to create domain names and e-mail addresses in national alphabets. The essence of Universal Acceptance is that all domain names and email addresses must be equally accepted, validated, processed, stored and displayed in all Internet-based applications, systems and services, regardless of whether they are written in Latin or consist of national alphabet characters.

The work of the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance established in 2020 is aimed at eliminating identified technical and other obstacles in the use, processing and display of Cyrillic domains and email addresses. Assistance in solving the technical aspects of supporting Cyrillic domains and email addresses in software today is provided by the “Podderzhivayu.РФ” project.

To address a number of legal issues in 2021, the Russian Working Group on Universal Acceptance has developed “Proposals to include requirements for supporting domain names and email addresses with Cyrillic characters in contract and tender documentation for the purchase and development of software for state and municipal needs.”

Participants are invited to continue their study of the legal aspects of Universal Acceptance of domain names and email addresses and to prepare an assay on the topic (up to 10 pages).

Assays may be submitted until May 10, 2022. Participation is free.

The winners of the competition will be announced on the birthday of the .РФ domain - May 12, 2022. The winners will be awarded at the XXVI Russian Internet Forum (RIF 2022), which is going to be held May 18-20. In addition, the winners have an opportunity to take part in the RIF 2022 business program.

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