Regional competition among teachers on the topic "Creation of an educational resource for the development of digital literacy" was held by The Vladimir Institute for the Development of Education named after L.I. Novikova (Department of Digital Education and Information Security), in cooperation with the INPO “Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ”, with the support of the Department of Education of the Vladimir Region on November 15, 2021, to January 31, 2022.
The purpose of the competition was to increase the level of digital literacy and to develop skills for the safe and effective use of information technology among teachers of educational institutions of the Vladimir Region. The main principles were voluntariness of participation, openness, accessibility, equality of conditions for all participants, transparency of evaluation criteria, and independence of professional expertise of materials submitted for the competition.
According to the results, the winner was Lozbicheva Elena Anatolyevna (Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution (MBGEI) "Krasnoekhovskaya Secondary General School" Gus-Khrustalny District) with the work on the topic "Information security: cryptography". The second place was shared by Kulikova Olga Alexandrovna (MBGEI "Gavrilovskaya Secondary General School" of the Suzdal Region) with the work "Useful Internet for students" and Zemtsova Elvira Vyacheslavovna (MBGEI "Krasnogorbatskaya Secondary General School" of the Selivanovskiy District) with the "3D modeling" project.
The bronze medalists were Syuzyaeva Svetlana Yuryevna (MBGEI Secondary School No. 2 Closed Administrative-Territorial Unit Raduzhny) with the theme “My Children’s Bank Card” and the team of the MBGEI “Rozhdestvenskaya Secondary General School” of the Sobinsky District, who presented the work “Linux Operating System” (team members: Arsenova G.A., Basmanova T.A., Efremov M.P., Postarnak I.N.).
Congratulations to the medalists! We wish you creative success and the achievement of your goals!
The best scripts developed by the contestants will be selected for the implementation of the educational modules "Knowledge" of the project “Study the Internet & Govern It”.