"Association of Chief Information Security Officer", Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy, and Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ invite school students of 7-11 years and university 1-2 courses students of technical universities and colleges, as well as students of cadet corps and cadet classes, Suvorov, Yunarmiya members, members of sports and creative teams, informal associations from all over Russia to take part in a quiz tournament dedicated to one of the most large-scale battles of World War II.
By participating in a quiz tournament, participants will be able to:
- To get acquainted with the secret documents of the Great Patriotic War, which were previously inaccessible;
- To expand their knowledge of the Battle for Moscow history;
- To master search tools that they didn’t know about before (there are many other tools, and these are not Yandex and Google);
- To evaluate your own knowledge and ability to navigate in a non-standard situation;
- To receive diplomas and valuable prizes from quiz partners.
Inter-regional public organization "Association of Chief Information Security Officer", “Law Enforcement and Shield” Foundation, All-Russian public movement of mentors of children and the youth "Mentors of Russia" are the quiz tournament organizers.
The intellectual team quiz will be held online on April 16 from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time.
Registration for the tournament is open through April 15.
Detailed rules of participation are on the quiz tournament official website.