The 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2022) is going to be held in the hybrid format on April 6-8, 2022, by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and the Center for Global IT-Cooperation.
A preliminary program has been published on the Forum’s website. Everyone who has something to say on Internet Development has taken part in contributing to the RIGF 2022 program by sending the topics to the Forums’ organizers in November-December 2021. The RIGF 2022 Program Committee has considered as many proposed ideas as possible.
There will be 9 sections during the 3 days of the Forum. Speakers and participants of RIGF 2022 are going to discuss the approaches to global cooperation in the field of ICT, challenges for cross-border cooperation, the Cybersecurity issues and Cyberthreats, regulation of Illegal and Destructive Content, the introduction of a Global Digital Tax for Transnational Corporations, new technologies in education, decentralized apps and Web 3.0, and other current issues, related to the development of technologies and the Internet Governance ecosystem.
The Forum is going to be opened with the “Global Digital Compact” section. Participants will discuss the initiative of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres to establish the Global Digital Compact. This document can be the first step towards a future where technologies, exploited for the benefit, help to make the digital world fairer and more equitable.
The Awards Ceremony of the IP&IT LAW is going to be held on April 6th. Approximately 90 essays were submitted for the competition Students from 25 universities from 15 cities of Russia and Belarus participate in the competition. The IP&IT LAW competition is organized by IP CLUB in cooperation with the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ under the auspices of WIPO and ICANN with the support of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, Intellectual Property Rights Court, and Rospatent.
The second day of RIGF 2022 is going to begin with the celebration of the Russian national domain .RU birthday, which will turn 28 on April 7th. Veterans of Runet will take part in the celebration.
The Virtuti Interneti Award Ceremony will take place at RIGF 2022. This is the only one of its kind in the Runet special award established by the Coordination Center in 2010. The laureates of the Award are representatives of the Internet community, business, science, and the State, who have made a significant contribution to the development of Runet and the global Internet. Traditionally, after the presentation of the Award, the Internet prize winner will give a lecture, which has already become an integral part of the Forum’s program.
The final day of RIGF 2022 will host a section dedicated to the youth programs in the field of Internet Governance. Like last year, students, doctoral candidates, and recent university graduates interested in digital Internet technologies and Internet Governance are invited to participate in a special course before the start of the Forum. Course results will be presented during the section. The results of the IGF 2021 youth program will be also summed up.
The purpose of the Russian Internet Governance Forum is to bring together all professional points of view on the further development of the Internet in Russia and in the World and how to ensure its safe operation, as well as to organize a discussion to find consensus between government agencies, the professional telecommunications community, business, and civil society. Many ideas of past Forums have been used in the work of Russian and International Organizations. The real results of discussions will be developed in the further activities of all participants of the Russian Internet Governance Forum.
A detailed program has already been published on the Forum’s website
Registration is required to participate in RIGF 2022. Participation is free.
We are looking forward to seeing you at RIGF 2022!