The International Digital Security Forum ‘Cyber Security Day 2022’ was held in Moscow on February, 8th by the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC), ROCIT, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. The Forum was timed to coincide with Safer Internet Day, which is celebrated today in many countries all over the World.
The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ became the official partner of the Forum. Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center, highlighted security issues in the field of Internet addressing at the Opening Ceremony.
“The educational community is the source of the Russian Internet system like in many other countries of the World. When scientists and engineers first developed the DNS in the 1980s, no one could imagine that malicious actors would try to use it later. Today, the entire technical community, which provides the infrastructure for reliable and secure Internet functioning, is facing attacks on the Domain Name System. If earlier attackers were resisted only by technical means and industry self-regulation, so now we have come to a new stage of State regulation. A draft law has appeared providing that the rules for registration in national domain zones will be approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, now it will be State regulation. There is a law-in-draft allowing that the registration rules in national domain zones would be approved the way established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Well, now it will be a State regulation. In addition, a special registrar will be established to service domains of Government Agencies. The mandatory domains registration by individuals and legal entities using the Gosuslugi portal is the key moment,” noted Andrey Vorobyev.
The signing ceremony for the Charter "Digital Ethics of Childhood" of the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment took place during the Cyber Security Day 2022. Representatives of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, ROCIT, RAEC, ANCO ‘Dialog’, the Internet Development Institute, and My Office have signed a memorandum of accession to the Charter. They have also made a voluntary obligation to uphold its key principles and promote a safe and supportive digital environment for children and the youth.
“For many years, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ has been implementing and supporting social and educational projects aimed at developing the digital literacy of students and their safe behavior on the Internet. We aimed at creating various educational materials, including for inclusive children, thereby we are joining the efforts of the Alliance to ensure equal opportunities for the development of digital skills for all children. We sincerely support the initiative to unite the efforts of all organizations interested in the protection of children in the digital space and support the principles of the Charter,” commented on the signing of the memorandum director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev.
The Charter "Digital Ethics of Childhood" was developed by the nine largest Russian IT and media industry companies, which previously had founded the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment. It was presented in November 2021. The Charter provides an ethical platform and guide to action for organizations, companies, and associations working with children, and also contains values and rules designed to unite and coordinate efforts to ensure a child-friendly and safe digital environment.
Further, Cyber Security Day 2022 was continued with sections dedicated to various aspects of information security. Olga Baskakova, project manager of the Coordination Center, made a presentation during the “Protection from scammers and hackers” section. She described on how the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ ensures the security of the domain space. Olga also presented the results of the Coordination Center’s projects dedicated to security issues such as Netoscope and Domain Patrol. She also presented the conclusions of domain names related to the coronavirus and pandemic containment measures monitoring, which the Coordinating Center has been conducting for two years now. “Information security experts work hard to protect users, but we ourselves are primarily responsible for our own security,” noted Olga Baskakova.
Olga Yakovleva, Head of Social Projects of the Coordination Center, spoke on the social and educational projects of the Coordination Center and the opportunities for developing digital literacy skills by the game during the “Educating Children and the Internet” section. “Most Russian children and teenagers are well aware of the possibilities of the Internet and can find any information in it. But at the same time, they are not aware of the threats of the digital environment and tend to believe it. That’s why the development of the digital environment requires the development of digital skills,” she said.
The ‘Cyber Security Day 2022’ International Forum finishes the Safe Runet Week. The Safe Runet Week was held in 2008 on the initiative of ROCIT and the Russian office of Microsoft for the first time. The Safe Runet Week is one of the official events of the Safe Internet Day held in various countries all over the World. It is also the official event of the Day in the Russian Federation.