The new website of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ project ‘Netoscope’ was launched on February 1st. This is more simple, understandable and user-friendly version where you can find out interactive charts and check the number of domain names that have passed through the project database. You can also filter them by category and look through the dynamics of changes in the number of ‘malware’ for the selected period as well as check any .RU, .РФ or .SU domain that seems to be suspicious. If the domain name is already in the Netoscope database, the user will see a notification about this, otherwise, the user will be prompted to report about suspicious resource through the cybersecurity experts Hotlines on the Domain Patrol website. The selected competent organization will make a conclusion on the harmfulness of the resource.
Today, more than 5 million domains have passed through the ‘Netoscope’ database, at least once suspected of unwanted activity since November 2012.
Most of the "malicious" domains are names used for malicious software distribution and phishing. You can find out the details in the Project’s analytical reports, published on the website.
“In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of phishing resources around the World, including in Russian national domains. To contain the number of cyber threats and to improve the security of the Internet space, coordinated activities of all participants in the Internet industry from ordinary users to cybersecurity experts, law enforcement and public authorities are required. The ‘Netoscope’ project is an information and analytical platform that allows participants to share data and to use unique mechanisms that increase the likelihood of identifying domain names that can be used to address on illegal resources. For end users, the new ‘Netoscope’ website provides an ability to visualize data in real time, to check domains in the project database as well as an interesting infographics and current warnings about current threats,” - noted the project manager of the Coordination Center Olga Baskakova.
To recap, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ created a research platform for aggregating information on malicious resources ccTLD at the end of October 2012. A year later, the Netoscope information and analytical resource appeared on the Internet. The platform publishes the latest data on the spread of cyberthreats on the network and on the progress in the struggle against malicious resources. The project celebrates its 10 years in 2022.
Today, about 17 companies and organizations are participating in the Netoscope project. BIzone, Group-IB, Kaspersky Lab, Mail.ru, Roskomnadzor, Rostelecom, RU-CERT, Internet Technical Center, Yandex are among them. The participants of scientific and technological cooperation jointly develop a research platform for aggregating information about malicious resources on the Internet, analyze the sources of "malware" and exchange analytical data.