The Big National Forum of Information Security "Infoforum-2022" opened in Moscow on February 3th. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is one of the permanent partners and participants of the Infoforum. Discussions on the security of the Russian Internet segment, International Cooperation, and parity of interests in the global network, legal and organizational aspects of harmonious interaction in the Russian and global information space have been held in cooperation with the Coordination Center.
As in previous years, the Coordination Center became a partner of the thematic session "Information Sovereignty and International Information Security" again. The session was moderated by Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Boris Miroshnikov, Vice President at Citadel, and Ernest Chernukhin, Head of the division of the Department of International Information Security of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Andrey Vorobyev has also made a presentation "The security ecosystem of Russian national domains".
“Improving the national domain zones security ecosystem is a truly continuous process involving various parties from ordinary users to cybersecurity experts and the State. The issue of stable and secure operation of the domain name system has come to the forefront in the Coordinating Center’s Strategic Plan until 2025. And this is a common story. If we look at the ICANN strategy, we will find that security issues are also at the forefront there,” said the Director of the Coordination Center.
In his report, Andrei Vorobyev noted that the active participation of the State in the regulation of national domain zones is a global trend today. “Although Internet addressing is a global thing, today a lot depends on what is being done at the national level in terms of information security. At the same time, the fight against DNS abuse is impossible only within the framework of one national domain zone. And if earlier registries and registrars worked in this direction independently, relying more on self-regulation, so now we are cooperating increasingly with authorized competent state and international organizations,” Andrey Vorobyev said.
The Coordination Center Director noted that the security and stable operation of the domain name system are very important for the state, society, and the technical community, and this is confirmed both by Russian and foreign experts. “We can anticipate the DNS Abuse, and now a lot of work is being done in this direction together with one of our competent organizations, the NCIRCC,” Andrey Vorobyev added.
Andrey Vorobyev called phishing one of the biggest threats to the security of the domain space.
“At the plenary meeting, Vadim Uvarov, Director of the Information Security Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, has already said that at the end of 2021, more than 2.5 thousand domains were undelegated at the direction of the Central Bank. All these blockings were very fast since phishing domains live from several hours to several days,” Andrey Vorobyev said.
In conclusion, Andrey Vorobyev informed the audience about the ongoing work of the Domain Patrol and Netoscope projects and about the monitoring of corona domains, which the Coordination Center has been conducting since 2020.
The session was also attended by the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in the Field of Information Security, acting Director of the Department of International Information Security of the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrey Krutskikh and other well-known experts.