The Cyber Security Day 2022 digital security forum will take place in the hybrid format on February 8. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is the official partner of the forum, organized by RAEC. The event will be held with the support of ROCIT and the Commission for the Development of Information Society, Mass Media and Communications of the Russian Civic Chamber.
Cyber Security Day 2022 is an international forum on digital security and the main event of the 15th Safe Runet Week, a nationwide campaign designed to promote public and professional discussion of security in the digital era. The CSD 2022 will focus on new practices and legal acts concerning the “digital contour,” cross-border cooperation in digital security, the safety of new technologies and solutions, training personnel for the digital economic contour, promoting a positive and responsible approach to the use of digital technologies, and other topics. The forum will bring together representatives of the digital ecosystem key players, public organizations, state agencies and everyone who wants to make the online environment more user friendly and safe not only for society, but for themselves and their families.
Experts from the Coordination Center will speak at the forum. Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev will take part in the CSD 2022 opening ceremony and a plenary session where he will speak about the security ecosystem of Russian national domains. In his report, he will cover the current threats in DNS and measures to counteract them, the Coordination Center’s projects to identify and stop the illegal use of domain names, including the projects Domain Patrol and Netoscope, as well as the monthly monitoring of coronavirus-related domains.
Olga Baskakova, head of projects at the Coordination Center, will speak at a session on protection from scammers and hackers. She will tell the audience about the Coordination Center’s efforts to ensure the safety of the domain space, speak about the competent organizations and present two of the center’s security projects, Netoscope and Domain Patrol. Olga Yakovleva, head of social projects at the Coordination Center, will speak at a session on children’s education and the internet about the center’s social and educational projects and the development of digital literacy skills through games.
Since 2009, Safe Runet Week has been Russia’s official part of the international Safer Internet Day, which is marked in over 160 countries on the second Tuesday of February (on February 8 in 2022). Safe Runet Week was held for the first time in 2008 at the initiative of ROCIT and Microsoft Russia.