On October 19, the 35th marketing workshop of CENTR, the association of European country code top-level domain name registries, took place online. Taking part in it were representatives of 25 national European registries, as well as Israeli, Canadian, and Japanese registries, plus Verisign and GoDaddy.
In a tour-de-table format, the participants talked about current trends in domain marketing, ccTLD registries’ topical events and plans for the next few months. It is noteworthy that several CENTR members are marking anniversaries this year. For example, the Japanese registry, JPRS (.JP) and the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ are marking their 20th anniversary this year; DENIC (Germany’s .DE) turns 25, and the oldest European registry, SIDN (the Netherlands’ .NL) is marking its 35th anniversary. Their respective representatives talked about the planned celebrations and also shared the links to their anniversary websites.
The Coordination Center’s Project Manager Olga Baskakova also spoke about celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Coordination Center as well as other projects in 2021 such as the Summer Internet Governance School, the Authorization Show, and RIGF 2021. Olga focused on the Coordination Center’s work with accredited registrars. She talked about Registration Lawyer’s Day and domain marketing training held as part of the Registrar Day event. She also shared the Coordination Center’s plans on marketing and work with registrars and users.
This year, work with final users was among the main trends for many registries. For example, the .BE registry, Belgium, has held a number of events for elderly internet users to improve their digital literacy to help them shop online safely. The registry of the Slovakian ccTLD .SK has presented the Virtual Slovakia project on the country’s historical legacy and today’s real businesses operating online. The representative of the European domain, .EU, talked about a youth project, EURid CodeWeek 2021, which brought together 200 children from four European countries, and Web Awards 2021, a prize that the registry awards annually to the best websites in the .EU, .ЕЮ and .ΕΥ domains.
CENTR’s next marketing workshop, scheduled for next year, will be held in person; CENTR is currently looking for a venue.