On October 6, the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) held an online ccTLD News Session to discuss marketing, web accessibility, innovation, security and other aspects of domain name registration.
During the first part of the session, ccNSO representatives from Nigeria, Latvia and Argentina gave presentations on marketing.
The second part was dedicated to security, policy on ccTLD regulation and finance. Representatives from Australia, Russia and ICANN spoke during this part.
Russia was represented by Irina Danelia, Deputy Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. She talked about the Russian registry’s projects to increase domain name stability and security in.RU/.РФ.
Irina Danelia told the session participants about the Coordination Center’s activities in this area. For example, in the sphere of technical infrastructure, the Coordination Center and its partners have launched data escrow tools and introduced a backup domain registration system in the ccTLDs .RU and .РФ (EBERO). The Coordination Center also held a discussion on measures to counter registrars’ abusive behavior in domain registration operations, and created the Domain Patrol project to identify and eliminate violations on the internet.
“It is very good that registries can exchange experience and best practices, because this is one of the most important tasks of ccNSO,” Irina Danelia noted.