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Youth Council begins its work

On June 8, the new members of the Youth Council at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ met to discuss the main plans and areas of work for the nearest period of time. Their first meeting took place online, with council members from different cities of Russia attending.

Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev noted that the Youth Council, like other Coordination Center committees, is an expert body reporting to the Center’s Director and assisting him in decision-making, for example, concerning youth tracks at forums, conferences, and meetings. “We view our Youth Council members as assistants and we want to know how young people in our region live and breathe. We have a rather narrow focus – the development of internet addressing. However, historically, the registry is also involved in internet management issues,” Andrey Vorobyev emphasized.

Members of the Youth Council are expected to become ambassadors of the Coordination Center projects intended for young people in their communities, universities, and organizations. One of such projects is Summer School on Internet Governance, which introduces young people to the specialist experience in the development of the internet, its regulation, and working out of its rules and regulations. The project supervisor, Ilona Stadnik, said that the second Summer School will start in July 2021, and members of the council can either apply as participants or help in organizing and advertising the school.

This summer, the Youth Council members plan to participate in two other projects organized jointly with the School of International Information Security. The first event at the School will take place on June 17 and will involve lectures on 5G: The fifth generation of mobile communications and Approaches to information security and basic network security standards. On July 23-24, 2021, School of International Information Security will organize the forum, Internet Governance: First Forums and Regulation Models, jointly with the Coordination Center’s Youth Council. The forum program will include lectures, interactive sessions, mini-games related to the internet, and a case study, The Ideal Internet Governance Model.

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