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Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ invites children and parents to participate in financial IT literacy cyber dictation

From October 24 to November 1, 2020, the RUNET-ID platform will host the Russian Cyber Dictation on Financial IT Literacy. The event is timed to coincide with the Russian Week of Financial Literacy 2020.

Schoolchildren aged 12 to 17 and their parents are invited to participate.

The organizers of the dictation are the Russian State Children's Library, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, the Bank of Russia and ROCIT, with information support from the National Center for Financial Literacy, as well as children's and teenage libraries in Russia.

The cyber dictation aims to test the knowledge of participants about the safe use of financial products and services in a digital environment, as well as to boost the literacy of children and parents in this area. After all, more and more financial transactions take place virtually, and a modern person needs to have the skills to use the appropriate banking products, as well as be able to recognize the tricks of fraudsters in order to protect their financial wellbeing.

The cyber dictation consists of two tests designed for different categories of users: schoolchildren (12-17 years) and adults (18+). Each test contains 15 questions about financial and general digital literacy. The questions were compiled by specialists from the Financial Sector Computer Emergency Response Team (FinCERT), a special division within the Bank of Russia, taking into account the age of each category of participants.

You can prepare for the test on the event website – кибердиктант.рф, using educational materials in the Knowledge section.

After the Cyber Dictation is over, starting November 2, participants will be able to make error corrections in order to understand their mistakes and the correct answers.

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