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Internet Governance Summer School opens its doors

On August 1, the Internet Governance Summer School opened its doors. On Saturday, the first introductory webinar for students of the summer school was held, involving over 40 people. School participants have a diverse range of educational and professional backgrounds: international relations, jurisprudence, law, journalism and media, information technology and systems, telecommunications, programming, security, economics and public administration.

The participants were able to get to know each other and learned about what they will do during the training. In the coming month, they will master a basic course on internet governance, study the history, infrastructure and ecosystem of the internet, as well as the business entities involved in its governance, and discuss existing approaches to internet governance, legal aspects of regulation and security issues.

The training entails written and oral assignments. There are three more webinars ahead, and the most active and engaged listeners will be able to continue their studies during the main stage of the school in September. Partner universities are also involved in the work of the summer school. St. Petersburg State University and MTUCI participate in promoting the program, whose students will receive a certificate with educational credits for additional education upon completing the full course of the Internet Governance Summer School. However, additional education and unique practical skills will be acquired by all students who pass both stages of the summer school and successfully complete the final tasks.

Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrei Vorobyev noted that the school is the first and currently the only one of its kind in Russia. “We look forward to the broad interest in internet governance from young people and will try to keep the bar at the level of our foreign colleagues. The online format of the summer school, on the one hand, reduces the opportunities for interaction between the participants. But, on the other hand, many more young people can take part in the online summer school, not only from Russia, but also from Germany, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine. I hope the students will not hesitate to ask questions to our lecturers and express their opinions – then learning will be successful for all the participants. Good luck everyone!” said Andrei Vorobyev.

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