The Methodology for Assessing the Market Value of Second-Level Domain Names in the TLDs .RU and .РФ on the Domain Name Aftermarket now has its own page. It features information about how to use the methodology, what factors affect the value of a domain name, how to pick the right domain name, and how to purchase a domain name on the aftermarket without risks.
In addition, it includes news from the domain business world and offers various services to check domain names provided by the Coordination Center and to receive information about the chosen domain name.
“The methodology is designed not only for registrars accredited in .RU and .РФ and experts in intellectual property valuation, but also for all other participants in the domain name aftermarket: buyers, sellers and owners of services to trade domain names. Our page will help them understand in what cases the methodology and valuation methods can be useful, how to assess the global situation on the domain market, and, I hope, how to avoid at least some mistakes when selling or buying a domain name on the aftermarket,” said Svetlana Lobanova, project head at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
The Methodology for Assessing the Market Value of Second-Level Domain Names in the TLDs .RU and .РФ on the Domain Name Aftermarket was developed by the Euroexpert company at the request of the Coordination Center. The methodology offers methods and algorithms for estimating the market value of a domain name.