On March 21, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ held the first webinar in the framework of a youth internet governance seminar.
Polina Kolozaridi, an internet researcher, coordinator at the Club for Internet and Society Enthusiasts and associate professor at the Higher School of Economics, spoke about two levels of internet diversity and the importance of local practices and context for its perception. She also invited the audience to discuss the internet as it exists in 2020 and the current views on the global nature of the internet. In conclusion, Polina Kolozaridi presented her views on the skills and practices necessary for understanding internet development trends.
Ilona Stadnik, the curator of youth projects at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, explained the essence of internet governance as a multistakeholder process and which organizations and stakeholders take part in this process at the international, regional and national levels.
At the end of the webinar, the listeners discussed whether the Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF) is a multistakeholder platform, as well as the forum’s history and main objectives.
The webinar is available here.
The next webinar in this series is scheduled for March 28. Polina Kolozaridi and Leonid Yuldashev, a coordinator at the Club for Internet and Society Enthusiasts, will discuss why Big Tech is seen as a factor for changing politics and society, and how to distinguish technical and social aspects in this context.
Participants must register.