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IP&IT LAW - 2020 contest open for entries

The Coordination Center for TLD.RU/.РФ and IP CLUB invite state and private university students, postgraduate students and young specialists to take part in the fifth National Youth Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law Contest IP&IT LAW - 2020. The contest is held under the auspices of the State Duma Committee for Information Policy, Information Technologies and Telecommunications. The contest is also supported by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and ICC Russia (International Chamber of Commerce – the World Business Organization).

The competition is open to state and private university students, postgraduate students and young specialists, from Russia and other countries, who have completed their postgraduate studies or defended their theses in law no more than a year ago.

There is no entry fee and participation is free of charge. IP&IT LAW - 2020 is held remotely and includes a written paper on the suggested topic. Entries can be submitted until February 1, 2020 (9 pm. Moscow Time).

The winners will receive valuable prizes from the contest organizers and partners, such as laptops, tablets, smart watches, and certificates for free participation in educational programs.

Details are available at

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