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Internet for Everyone premieres in Voronezh

The 10th RIF-Voronezh 2019 internet technology festival opens on Friday October 18. The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ is an official partner of the event and will participate in the festival program.

The RIF-Voronezh 2019 festival will host the first regional premiere of the short socially themed movie, Internet for Everyone, produced by the Social Cinema Foundation for the .RU / .РФ Coordination Center and dedicated to the 25th anniversary of ccTLD .RU. Festival participants will be among the first to see the film and meet one of the actors, Darya Ledneva, a social media entrepreneur from the Voronezh Region.

The Coordination Center will host a display stand at the festival featuring the Learn the Internet and Manage It! interactive game; visitors can ask questions about working with domains and test their knowledge of internet technologies in the Learn the Internet and Manage It! quiz and receive gifts with logos of the 25th anniversary of ccTLD .RU.

The festival’s business program will include a presentation by the head of special projects at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Yevgeny Pankov, who will talk about the use of domains in online business.

Join us and have fun! More details and registration can be found at the RIF-Voronezh 2019 festival website at

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